In Praise of the Sigma 14-24mm f2.8 DG Art

Pilgrims of ultrawide excellence down the decades have been conjoined to a certain path. In the 1900s, they sought, coveted or made sacrifices for hallowed primes like the Zeiss 15mm and 21mm Distagons. Some prematurely foreswore mirrors to gain access to Contax Biogons, the shady temptations of Leica and Voigtlander rangefinder glass, and the peerless …

Old School Zooms

Nikon 28-80mm v Nikon 28-85mm v Nikon 28-105mm v Nikon 35-70mm With photographers abandoning bijou mirrorless systems for full frame SLRs, May 2020 feels like a great time to review the walkabout lenses of another century. Bored by the low-hanging fruit of optically faultless 24-120mm kit lenses, today’s image-makers crave the creativity-testing limits of zooms …

35mm Group Test

Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 DI v Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 EX v Contax Zeiss 35mm f2.8 [published 2004] The motivation for this test was to establish whether a zoom could replace the 35mm Distagon f2.8 I commonly use for architectural shoots. Trolling about on location, the perfectly convenient lens for shooting exteriors would be a 35-70mm zoom …