The 24mm World Cup Final

Canon 24mm f1.4 L v Nikon 17-35mm f2.8 v Olympus 24mm f2.8

Flare & Ghosting / Internal Reflection: Part I

It seemed appropriate to begin a 'take no prisoners' final interrogation by making the finalists stare into bright lights – see what they're made of, what? Here are full frame shots of each: note the differing artefacts produced by each lens. Roll over each image to make an A-B / B-C / A-C comparison.

Flare Test 1: Canon 24mm L

We're into the realm of the subjective here, but it doesn't feel too contentious to award more points to the Canon L than the Nikon AFS, whose invasive ghosting is much less discreet. The little Olympus suffers from a different species of internal reflection, but in practice (preliminary, unpublished flare tests were shot into the sun) it is less distracting than the marching blobs produced by its bigger competitors here.

Nikon: 0 points
Canon: 1 point
Olympus: 2 points




Draw a straight line and follow it.

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