Zeiss ZF 85mm f1.4 vs.
Canon 85mm f1.2 L (Mark I)
Mid-Range (4-6m) Performance at f8
Zeiss ZF 85mm f1.4 at f8 (centre) 25,603 bytes |
Canon 85mm L (Mark 1) f1.4 at f8 (centre) 24,668 bytes |
Because no doubt you're sick of looking at the conical strainer, here's another section of the frame centre that fairly summarises their differing drawing styles. Ultimately, the Zeiss 85mm has captured more information; there's a bit more zip in its presentation, giving a better etched sense of spatial separation – but the Canon 85mm has been kinder to the shadow details, and is generally smoother and warmer.
Zeiss ZF 85mm f1.4 at f8 (corner) 25,323 bytes |
Canon 85mm L (Mark 1) f1.2 at f8 (corner) 27,804 bytes |
No news in the corners. The Canon 85mm L is still fractionally sharper – but remember to make allowances for the Zeiss 85mm, which labours under a framing disadvantage.