21mm Comparison: f11
Canon 16-35mm/21mm f11 (centre) |
Nikon 17-35mm/21mm f11 (centre) |
Take your pick: at this aperture (and flat centre frame lighting) the 5D is incapable of putting much distance between them. Again, the Nikon is a hair sharper.
Canon 16-35mm/21mm f11 (corner) |
Nikon 17-35mm/21mm f11 (corner) |
And once again the Nikon proves much sharper in the corner, even at f11. As previous tests have indicated, the Nikon just owns this focal length. It is truly world class.
For the sake of brevity, I've omitted the f16 versions of this test: there are no surprises: both were slightly softer, and the Nikon was still slightly sharper than the Canon. On to 28mm . . .